Sunday, October 5, 2008 Fedora Core Linux Mail Server MyExperiences Network How to Disable Qmail Queue Scanner? Recently I have problem with qmail, it can't send or receive email because qmail-scanner error problem. (/var/log/maillog) Requeuing:...
Thursday, October 2, 2008 Fedora Core Linux Mail Server MyExperiences Network Mail Server Error! Siap-siap migrasi ke Mail Server Baru Seminggu ini aku berusaha agar mail server yang telah berjalan selama 2 tahun lebih itu dapat berfungsi dengan normal kembali. Berbagai jeni...
Friday, February 9, 2007 Fedora Core Mail Server Install a Mail Server with Antivirus and Antispam in 15 Minutes #@!&*)! You know that I took few days for me to install new mail server with same function as this. And I found this article with a titl...